DannyboyO1 (2009-08-04 17:54:38):
Ahh, brings back memories. Working a register when banks started making those debit/credit cards. And a little old lady who was just trouble at the outset. Yelled at me for ringing up her stuff out of the order she'd set it down.

She consistently changed her mind between debit and credit. "Do you want to sign for it, or do you want to enter a pin number."
"I don't sign anything."
"Okay, debit. Slide the card."
"There. and now I do NOT type anything."
"..." her parting jab was
"When will you people learn that debit means credit?"

Next customer: "Wow. Glad I'm not you."
"Yeah. You'd think she'd be educated enough to know they're antonyms."

Crappy Artist (2009-08-04 23:10:39):
Yeah, people are just plain stupid sometimes. I just don't get them at all. But they give me great material to work with!

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