Shiqra (2009-06-03 17:47:38):
People are so stupid. Oy.

Crappy Artist (2009-06-03 20:25:08):
Yes, yes they are.

And this made me very sad.

miked (2009-07-04 09:49:11):
Wow, that's dumb on an epic scale. Funny how trying to be healthy can go so wrong.

Crappy Artist (2009-07-04 23:03:44):
Yeah, I thought so!

People are just plain stupid sometimes!

DannyboyO1 (2009-08-04 17:45:09):
Heh. The plot from Idiocracy.

Crappy Artist (2009-08-04 23:09:28):
Yes, that was a great movie. I try to make everyone I know watch it.

Vashra (2009-12-17 13:32:48):
Actually, modern table sugar (sucrose) isn't "great" for hummingbirds either -- it's just far less likely to kill them quickly because their livers are able to metabolize the fructose about the way we metabolize tylanol...this raises their triglyceride levels (does in humans too...)

If you *really* care about the birds, go to a feed store or a brewery supply store and get pure Dextrose, which is the only powdered/crystallized "sugar" any animal (especially horses and birds) should ever eat.

Crappy Artist (2009-12-17 14:00:55):
Huh, I'll keep that in mind!!

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