Robert Pastwick (2009-10-16 10:20:45):
Remember, guys that say that are usually the same guy that struts around their house in their wife's panties when no one's home.

Shiqra (2009-10-16 22:27:04):
Ye gods - I can't follow that old guy's logic to save my life.

Crappy Artist (2009-10-17 02:06:41):
Robert: Bahahahahaha!! That would be pretty amusing to see!!

Shiqra: Yeah, neither could the rest of us... Even other customers... I told so many people about that guy. We all got a good laugh out of it that day!

Mkied (2009-10-21 19:00:40):
these two things are always directly related!!! j/k

Crappy Artist (2009-10-22 17:18:54):
Of course they are! :-)

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