Robert Pastwick (2009-11-06 09:50:38):
Do you ever print out key comics like this and have them posted near you to answer these strangely blind people?

Crappy Artist (2009-11-06 20:39:40):
Haha, no but maybe I should!! But... the people I work with don't know I have a webcomic!! I don't know how they'd feel about that!

Robert Pastwick (2009-11-07 01:57:09):
oooh... you could just say it isn't your comic and you just found it

Crappy Artist (2009-11-07 02:05:36):
Oh... They'd know! When it's slow at work is when I draw the comic. so most of them know that I draw them, they just don't know I post them to a website!!


It wouldn't be hard to find, two of my coworkers are friends on FaceBook, but they haven't said anything yet! We'll see!

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