2 Tabby Cats' Mom (2007-05-11 00:59:00): |
I worked at a Fox Photo with the name in HUGE letters behind me, yet people would look up from their checkbooks to ask, "Where am I?" The few times I use a check, I look around before asking and then the question is, "Who should I make this out to?" not "Where am I?" It ain't proper grammar, but it don't sound as stoopid. |
2 Tabby Cats' Mom (2007-05-11 01:00:18): |
Fox Photo was on the wall behind the counter by the register. Not just behind me. |
Age (2007-06-01 21:05:29): |
I work at Michael's. I wear it in big letters on my apron! Right across my boobs! and people ask, regularly, if we're AC Moore, or any number of other craft store. But I've also had someone ask if she was in Target and an old man ask where our soda fountain was. |