the_dark_snack (2007-06-08 19:19:43):
Why'd you kill the Crappyartist LJ?

Crappy Artist (2007-06-09 00:23:39):
I killed it because there were only three people subscribed to it, and those three people were already subscribed to my personal LJ anyway.

I never said anything interesting in there anyway.


Lady_Eclectic (2009-08-02 05:43:09):
Some say steeped ^_^

Crappy Artist (2009-08-02 15:11:09):
On Steeping: Haha, yes. I wonder if there is a definition difference between the two. . . Oh, haha, "brewing" has "steeping" in one of the definitions. So, for some things, I guess that they can be used interchangeably! English is so screwy!

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