Robert (2008-07-30 03:58:32):
You could always retort with "Sorry, I don't know. Its kind of new to me but I think you have to press the smiley cat face.... what? No smiley cat face? Well now I'm totally stumped. Have you tried pressing clear?" and keep insisting that they should press clear. It will relieve some stress, I'd gather.

Crappy Artist (2008-07-30 04:20:52):
Hehe, I like that idea! I should try that some time. But with one of the regulars, they expect me to be really weird anyway!

Lady_Eclectic (2009-08-07 01:39:26):
Issues? No, subscriptions? Yes.

Crappy Artist (2009-08-07 03:52:35):
Bahahaha, yes yes I do!!

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