Of Analog Clocks May 8, 2007 |
Guh. . .
I still can't get over this conversation! It was mostly like that. . . Just a little more, and a little more sad. . .
It started with him asking me what time it was, and I told him it was quarter to 12. . . And he was all "So that's what, like, 25 minutes to 12?"
Are you kidding? I pointed to the analog clock in the area (the only other clocks are the ones on the computers), and told him to tell me what time it was. . . And he said that! I shit you not! I nearly crapped myself! I bugged right out! I even gave him the "talk to the hand" pose, and told him to "just stop talking!"
So of course, I've been telling all my co-workers. . . and this (to them) just confirms that he is incapable of reading in general (although how it does that. . .). I don't think he is going to last long at this job. . .
Guh. . .
What, exactly, is being taught in school these days? I wouldn't have been able to graduate from 1st grade if I was unable to read or tell time!