Guh. . . So much for saving at a higher rez. . . I did this one on the tablet, I didn't think of saving one off at "scan" stage, so I saved a big copy, then "saved for web" a little copy. So when I closed out of the program it was with the smaller copy, and it asked if I wanted to save. . . I hit enter because I was talking to someone and not paying attention. . . So now the "big copy" is just a psd version of the same size as the one you are looking at. . . Bluh. I can be such an idiot sometimes.
And the whole reason I was doing a tablet doodle was because I was feeling too lazy to do a real sketch. . . I really should know better than that by now.
Ok, I also wanted to see if I could do anything remotely comic-like with the tablet. I think I need more practice, but it's getting there.
Ah well. . . C'est la Vie.
Oh, and she really isn't broken right now. This is just one of many of her possible futures. (read: I just needed something to draw, and that came to mind first)