Here is one I drew a couple weeks ago, and kind of lost track of. I was supposed to put it up last week. . . But I forgot it and put something else up instead.
Anyway. . .
Here is the 20th installment of the baby stuff. I just know that I will keep coming back to her and the baby-bot. It didn't come out like I planned, but it's pretty close.
And now I have a different Mini Arc that I have started. If all goes well, it will go for two+ months. I have 16 comics planned, but it may become more or less. . . We'll see. I even, as of writing this, have three of them drawn and scanned, one of those colored and uploaded, and there is another one ready to finish inking as soon as I get a reference shot of a specific bug! Go me! If it continues to be really slow at work, I may even have them all done in the next couple weeks! Then I can take a little break! Woo!!