Back to Work April 17, 2009 |
This is one that happened a while ago.
I just don't understand people. I really don't.
And they obviously don't understand me. . .
On the news front. Lots of things have happened this week. Well, one major thing really. . .
My boyfriend's dad passed away Wednesday morning. So we've been running around like chickens with are heads cut off since then. Tonight is the wake, and tomorrow is the funeral. I guess I'm just happy that this comic was done on monday. . . His father had broken 7 ribs by falling off a ladder. He was in the hospital for some days, and the last couple days he had become very confused. And just stopped breathing. He couldn't believe that he had any broken ribs, so I guess he wasn't in any pain, but. . . We're all very sad.
There may or may not be any comics next week. It depends on how things go, and how I'm feeling at work on monday (yes I have to be back to work on sunday and he has to be back on monday). We'll see.