Town Meeting Bloopers (1 of 3) March 7, 2008 |
This is the first of three Town Meeting Bloopers. I pushed back the content that was going to be here in order to upload these closer to the officer's town meeting day, which was monday (the day before Town Meeting Day).
There was a very small camera crew there, and people thought that the boom for the camera crew was the microphone for the PA system. . .
I hate stupid people. . . And it wasn't even my town. I live in the next town over, this is my mother's town. We were just there to serve snacks to the townies that came for the Officer's meeting.
So many people talked into the boom. . . It was sad. . .
(oh, and there was no pencil use to make this. Just straight brush pen. It has bristles!!! not a nub!!! It's so wonderful I bought another one!)